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Knightsen, CA – Fatal Pedestrian Crash Takes 2 Lives on Byron Hwy near Peace Pipe Ranch

Torem & Associates

Knightsen, CA (September 5, 2021) – A fatal pedestrian accident occurred on a roadway in Knightsen late on Saturday, September 4. The incident was reported to authorities in the area at around 11:14 p.m. in east Contra Costa County.

Information from reports states that two teenagers lost their lives after they were struck by a drunk driver in the 8300 block of the Byron Highway near the Peace Pipe Ranch. An 18-year-old female from Pittsburg and a 16-year-old boy from Oakley were struck by a 2002 Subaru Impreza along the roadway while they were on their way home from a large gathering. 

The driver of the Subaru, identified as an 18-year-old Knightsen man, was arrested under the suspicion that he was driving under the influence at the time of the collision. He currently faces charges of gross vehicular manslaughter in connection with the crash. 

The identities of the victims have not been released at this time pending the notification of their next of kin. Authorities in Knightsen continue to investigate the circumstances of the incident. 

We would like to offer our sincere condolences to the family or families of the deceased victims at this time. 

Pedestrian Accidents in Knightsen

Numerous people become victimized in pedestrian collisions throughout Knightsen and the surrounding areas each year. Despite the strict traffic laws maintained by the state of California concerning the protection of pedestrians, people continue to become injured and even lose their lives in pedestrian collisions. These wrecks happen at an alarming rate in California due to the extremely high population.

 Although a wide variety of treatment options exist for injured victims, unfortunately, total recovery is not always guaranteed. In fact, thousands of crash victims are left permanently disabled and faced with continuous physical, emotional, and financial consequences. In worst case scenarios, victims lose their lives due to their injuries, and their family members are left to endure the emotional turmoil of losing a loved one. They are also often faced with financial burdens and stress as a result of these fatal collisions.

If you or someone you love has been injured in a pedestrian accident caused by driver negligence, there may be helpful legal options available to you. Reaching out to a pedestrian accident attorney in Knightsen is your best bet to collect financial compensation that could help you in the aftermath of a serious wreck. Compensation could help you cover the following: 

  • Lost wages
  • Medical expenses
  • Long-term care costs
  • Funeral Costs
  • Burial Expenses
  • And more


Working alongside an experienced legal team like the one at Torem & Associates will ensure you are in the best position possible to recover. Acting as quickly as possible is in your best interest because waiting too long after your wreck could negatively impact your case.

Wrongful Death Attorneys in Knightsen

When horrific accidents result in the death of one or more victims, it is imperative that their families act quickly if they believe that their loved one lost their life due to some form of carelessness, recklessness, or negligence. If this sounds familiar, you should contact a wrongful death attorney in Knightsen to protect your legal rights as soon as possible. You may be entitled to financial compensation to help alleviate the financial burdens you face as a result of a sudden and unexpected loss.

For over 35 years, the wrongful death attorneys in Knightsen have worked diligently in order to assist surviving family members recover from the tragic loss of a loved one. Our team is highly dedicated to helping families receive full and fair financial compensation for their claims. 

We strive to help our clients get compensation for funeral arrangements, lost wages, and many other losses they may be faced with. We work around the clock to make sure our clients have the ability to hold negligent parties accountable for their reckless actions that ultimately led to the death of a loved one. Our team is motivated by the understanding that families who may have recently lost loved ones in preventable accidents are faced with numerous challenges and stress. Because of this, we fight aggressively to ensure they get justice. Contact our Knightsen wrongful death attorneys at (888) 500-5000 to discuss legal options available for you.

Note: Our team of writers utilizes secondary sources when creating these posts.  These sources include but are not limited to local news reports, police accident reports, and eyewitness accounts about serious injury accidents in Knightsen.  For that reason, the details surrounding the incident have not been independently verified by our team of writers.  If you locate any information that is not correct in our post, please contact our firm right away so that we correct the post to reflect the most accurate information available.  

Disclaimer: Our firm, Torem & Associates, has worked hard to become valued members of the local business community.  We write these posts as a way to bring awareness to the dangers of driving or being a passenger in any type of automobile accident. We hope that through awareness, people will use additional caution when out on the roadways in Knightsen and throughout California to prevent being seriously injured in a crash. This post is not intended to be a solicitation for business. The information provided in this post is meant to be informational and is not intended to be misconstrued as legal or medical advice. The photos used in the post are not representative of the actual accident scene.


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