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Ideas to Keep Your Kids Busy During the Holiday Break

Torem & Associates

Are you searching for ways to keep your children entertained over the holiday break? Below are several ideas that you might find helpful when your children are complaining about being bored, or you want them to do something other than play video games or watch television.

  • Helping in the kitchen. You can get your children involved in the holiday cooking and baking. The holidays can be a great time to introduce your children to the joy of cooking. You might want to let them help you bake special treats to give to friends, neighbors, and family members to brighten their holiday.
  • Go on a camping trip. You do not need to go outdoors to go on a camping trip. Let your children build a tent or fort inside with blankets. Once the tent is constructed, read stories, make crafts, enjoy a special snack, and take a nap inside the tent. Sometimes simply sitting inside a makeshift tent and talking with your children is the best way to spend a winter afternoon or evening.
  • Host a treasure hunt. Design a treasure map with various clues for your children to follow as they search for a special treat you have hidden inside or outside of your home. For younger children, you can use pictures to help them find the location of the next clue.
  • Make a movie. Children are very inventive and creative. Ask them to come up with a holiday movie for the family to watch on Christmas Eve. Give them plenty of supplies for props and costumes and time to rehearse before you film their movie. You might be surprised by how entertaining your children can be when given the time and resources to create a cinematic masterpiece.
  • Arts and Crafts. Arts and crafts are always a fun way to spend the afternoon, especially when it is messy arts and crafts. You supply the glue, paint, glitter, ribbons, and other supplies and your children provide the imagination. It can be fun to give your children a box full of random art supplies and see what they come up with instead of giving them a specific craft to build.
  • Organize play dates. Get together with some other mothers and plan play dates for your children. You can enjoy spending time with other adults while your children play, or you can swap off free time with other parents so that everyone can get some holiday chores accomplished without the children around, such as Christmas shopping or wrapping presents.
  • Visit the library. The library is a forgotten resource for many parents. In addition to books, the library has music, movies, and other resources that can help entertain your children during the holiday school break. If you have not utilized your local library, now is the time to introduce your child to the library and help instill a love of books and reading. This can be one of the best gifts you can give your child this holiday season.

Happy Holidays from Torem & Associates

The entire staff at Torem & Associates hope you have a safe and enjoyable holiday season. If you need assistance during the holidays with a personal injury claim, we will be here for you. Call (888) 500-5000to schedule a free consultation with an experienced California personal injury attorney.


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